
Experience the magic of acupuncture! Tiny needles, big results—acupuncture boosts your energy, melts away stress, and brings balance to your body and mind. Whether you're looking to relieve pain, improve sleep, or simply unwind, acupuncture is your go-to for a natural reset. Feel the difference after just one session!

Why Acupuncture?

Dr. Gansner encourages many patients to undergo this therapy because it is highly effective for chronic pain, infertility, headaches, nerve pain, anxiety and depression, fibromyalgia and more.

Acupuncture is relatively painless. Often times patients rarely feel the needle and feel quite relaxed during the session. Each patient’s protocol is customized based on Dr. Gansner’s initial clinical assessment

Musculoskeletal Pain

Acupuncture can treat all types of musculoskeletal pain. It has been known as an effective method of relieving chronic back, neck, or knee pain and calming painful muscle spasms.

Hormone Imbalance

Acupuncture can treat a variety of hormone imbalances including fertility, menstrual problems, and menopause.

Acupuncture can help to decrease or relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome including pain, tenderness, cramping, and sleep changes among others. It can help women with fertility problems by regulating their cycles and restoring ovulation. Women going through menopause can also benefit from acupuncture to restore hormone balance and minimize symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and sleep problems.

Headaches & Migraines

Acupuncture has been successful in treating tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraines, or any other type of headache disorder. One study found, patients with chronic headaches experienced the equivalent of 22 fewer days of a headache per year with acupuncture.

“Where there is no movement, there is pain.

Where there is movement, there is no pain.”

— Traditional Chinese Proverb